Active Isolated Stretching
with a revolutionary approach
Active Isolated Stretching Therapy

Improves Muscle Strength, Joint Flexibility, & Biomechanics

Reduces Neuromuscular Stress & Tension
Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) offers a revolutionary approach to improving flexibility and overall well-being. Developed by Aaron Mattes, AIS focuses on stretching muscles and lengthening myofascial tissue under minimal load, reducing the risk of injury. By holding each stretch at the barrier for 2 seconds and repeating for 4 to 7 more repetitions, AIS remodels tissues, enhancing circulation and infusing soft tissue with oxygen-rich nutrients.
Athletes particularly benefit from AIS as it awakens every cell in the body through the central nervous system, promoting physical and mental vitality. AIS uniquely reduces neuromuscular stress and tension, allowing muscles to release tension spontaneously. This method not only relaxes you but also energizes you, breaking the invisible walls of restriction set by your brain's neuro-proprioceptive boundaries. It empowers you to move beyond perceived limitations, reprogramming your brain and enhancing joint mobility.
Different from other athletic training methods, the Aaron Mattes Method of AIS is highly specific and holistic. It dissects the body into isolated parts, addressing individual muscle groups with targeted protocols. This specificity principle ensures that targeted exercises and movements are repetitively performed, enhancing muscle strength, joint flexibility, and balance across joints. AIS exercises are incredibly versatile, requiring minimal equipment such as limbs, dumbbells, towels, or rubber bands, making it accessible for everyone, whether in an office, clinic, or home setting.
Shift in your physical and mental well-being with AIS. With AIS, you can surpass limitations, achieving world-class results in strength and flexibility without the need for expensive equipment.

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