Before Booking Kid’s Cranial Structural Therapy
Structural Energetic Therapy (SET) and Cranial Structural Therapy is unlike any other form of massage or bodywork. This is a uniquely intensive yet holistic approach to solving the root cause of physical pain. To receive bodywork, clients cannot be on blood thinners (aspirin, okay).
Other contraindications include:
- Acute conditions such as trauma to head or trunk (2/3 weeks)
- Concussions
- undiagnosed, 3 weeks without major symptoms
- diagnosed. Written release to normal activities from MD
- Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Recent Skull Fracture
- Intracranial Aneurysm, AAA
- Encephalitis, Meningitis (active)
- Brain Tumors
- Brain Shunts
- Chiari level 2 & up
- Detached retina (must wait 4 months from procedure)
- Large metal plates across head
- Pregnancy 6-9 months or at risk pregnancies (Adults)
- Recent not fully healed major surgeries
- Unhealed puncture of dura mater, cortisone, epidurals
- Active electrodes at base of spine/occiput (Parkinson’s)
- Wires from appliances going into the cranium
- Dura not completely healed
- Stents in Carotid Artery
- Hemophilia
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